A 58-year-old lady with poorly controlled hypertension presented to the emergency department with substernal chest pain for 4 hours.
1. Please describe the EKG findings
2. What is the provisional diagnosis?
3. What is the proper next step management?
โดย นพ.ณัฐพล แก้วประเสริฐ และ พญ.ขวัญหทัย สุจริตจันทร์
1. EKG findings:
-Atrial rate 100 bpm, ventricular rate 30 bpm, third degree AV block
-Right axis deviation
-STE in III, aVF with reciprocal change in I, aVL
-STD with upright T wave in V1-V5
-Tall R (R>S) in V1, V2
-Occasional PCV
2. Provisional diagnosis:
Acute inferior wall STEMI with Third degree AV block with Occasional PCV
3. Proper management:
1) Activate STEMI treatment protocol
=> Revascularization is indicated in patients with STEMI with onset <12 hours
2) Place external cardiac pacemaker due to unstable bradycardia
3) Perfrom EKG V3R, V4R due to suspected RV infarction, EKG V7-V9 due to suspected posterior wall STEMI
เรียบเรียงโดย พญ.ปนัดดา วาดวารี แพทย์ประจำบ้านชั้นปีที่ 2 กองอายุรกรรม รพ.ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช พอ.
Reference: 2017 ESC guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation